
Überwachungs app für kinder

The systems from Google, Apple or Amazon have nothing to offer in this category. Especially concerning the topic of cyber bullying, the reporting functions offer a good, helpful overview for parents.

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The systems from Google, Apple and Amazon log practically nothing. The apps from Kaspersky Lab and Symantec are totally different in this respect, as they track all kinds of information: searched and visited websites, blocked websites and even the usage time of apps on Android systems. For an easier overview, there is also a good summary of all prohibited actions. To be sure, the Internet offers a wide array of pornographic content and generally offers no access padlocks on those websites. Naturally, parental control apps need to protect against this content. But adult content involves much more than just pornography: gambling, violence, weapons or forums on those topics are also included, for example.

That is why the lab tests the apps with thousands of websites that are suitable and unsuitable for children.

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Some apps in fact offer various categories, according to which they recognize the websites and filter them out, to the extent the category is blocked. Which is why the lab assumes 10 categories and evaluates how they filter over 6, unsuitable websites. In the counter sample, the object is to allow unhindered access to nearly 2, suitable websites. The test table shows that while many apps have a large selection of categories, they still have difficulties weeding them out.

Which means that with active protection, surfing is practically impossible. Google's Family Link does indeed separate out pornography, yet it is indifferent to all other categories, allowing unhindered access to them. The apps included in the test only for comparison demonstrate good filtering performance in the existing categories, with some exceptions.

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The Android apps from Kaspersky Lab and Symantec cover all tested categories and thus filter relatively well in each of them. Unfortunately, it was not technically possible test the iOS versions. Except the parental control for Amazon's Kindle.

Android Handy überwachen mit deutscher Smartphones App

If children are performing a search via a search engine, there are providers such as Google, Yahoo or Bing, offering the "safe search" function. Some tools automatically activate this function — however, only for selected search engines. This differs among the tools of the operating systems: Google Family Link exclusively recognizes Google, iOS activates its safe search in nearly all search engines.

The apps from Kaspersky Lab and Symantec respond exactly the same way. This function is irrelevant for Amazon. In terms of reports, there is virtually nothing found in the operating system tools. The apps from Kaspersky Lab and Symantec record practically everything: the visited and blocked websites, along with a search history. And an overview of all prohibited actions can be found here as well.

Children are quick to divulge personal information such as their address, phone number or the name of their school. The mobile operating systems offer no monitoring assistance whatsoever in this area. The social media control from Kaspersky Lab and Symantec at least successfully prevents this type of privacy breach for Facebook. Only Symantec in its apps for iOS and Android offers an entry control of previously-defined personal data. Many unsuitable websites, such as forums, query this personal data. That is why good website filtering is also very helpful.

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As already mentioned above, the system tools offer no effective assistance in this case, except on the subject of pornography. And the apps included in the test for comparison also assist in pre-filtering. In case it happens anyway and details are entered, this ought to also be documented in a report. But that is a function which in turn is only offered by Kaspersky Lab and Symantec.

Via a web account, the detailed reports of the parental control app can be called up. The app keeps track of all alarms and activities of a child in a report — also over the space of several days. The protection functions of the system are a good approach, but not sufficient. There are only up to 30 days of reports on the usage times of apps. There are already very few functions — and unfortunately no reports. Mobile devices are generally online 24 hours a day and always immediately operational. Which is why there is a large temptation to quickly pick up the device, see what's going on, or to play a quick round.

Wie Eltern Kinder im Internet mit Spionage-Apps überwachen können

If the mobile device is even taken into the child's room in the evening, you can usually kiss control goodbye. Bis zu dem Moment als ich für das Konto meines Kindes einen Gutschein freischalten wollte. Vielleicht liegt es am iPhone, aber die Wege Einstellungen zu bearbeiten sind für mich unzumutbar. Bei dem Versuch die Konten neu einzurichten verzweifele ich schon bei der Verifizierung weil plötzlich 2 Kreditkarten angezeigt werden, aber nur eine hinterlegt wurde. Hier komme ich also nicht weiter ohne mich vermutlich eingehend mit den Einstellungen von Google auseinandersetzen zu müssen.

Während der 7 Tage als die App lief, habe ich lediglich die Möglichkeit vermisst auf dem Gerät meines Kindes direkt einen Elternzugang zu nutzen um autorisiert auf Funktionen zugreifen zu können. Ansonsten ist sie sicherlich hilfreich, wenn man sie denn ans laufen bekommt. Die App hält das was sie verspricht daher müsste ich eigentlich 5 Sterne vergeben.

Jetzt kommt das berühmte aber: Ich würde mir wünschen das es funktioniert bestimmte Apps immer zuzulassen auch wenn die Nutzungszeit vorbei ist z. Erfordert iOS Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPad und iPod touch. Chinesisch, Vietnamesisch. Wenn die Familienfreigabe aktiviert ist, können bis zu sechs Familienmitglieder diese App verwenden.

Neuheiten Vorherige Aktualisierungen.


Funktionsverbesserungen, Fehlerkorrekturen. Mit Family Link kannst du für mitverwaltete Geräte eine zeitliche Begrenzung und eine Schlafenszeit festlegen. So hilfst du deinem Kind, eine gute Balance zwischen der realen und der digitalen Welt zu finden.

Eine riesige Auswahl an Überwachungsfunktionen für soziale Netzwerke?

Family Link macht es möglich — das Kind muss sein Android-Gerät nur bei sich tragen. Eine Liste der kompatiblen Geräte findest du unter families. Für vorab installierte Apps ist diese Option möglicherweise nicht verfügbar. Bewertungen Richtlinien für Rezensionen. Wird geladen Funktionsverbesserungen, Fehlerkorrekturen.

Details ansehen. Als unangemessen melden. Website besuchen. Digital Wellbeing.