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After trying to contact Micha in the Gevenboich office, the O2 employee texted Micha to give me a call when he was next in the office so he could explain the situation. The first time Micha tried calling me I was at a company event and was unable to give my full attention to the conversation at the time. I then texted him back asking if we could make an appointment to discuss this situation since I did not want to speak with him without having a native speaker with me since I had felt he had taking advantage of my expat status and language skills.

Micha wrote back that he would be in the office on that Saturday and I could call him then.

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I set aside the time with my boyfriend to call him on Saturday and we tried two different times to call Micha at the time we had discussed. Both times Micha did not answer his phone so we sent him a message asking him to call us back when he had time. We noticed that his voicemail said nothing about O2 and realized at this moment that Micha had been using his own cell phone for the communication with me.

An hour went by and we had not gotten a response from Micha. Since both of us had other things that we needed to do we sent a SMS message to Micha to explain why we needed to talk to him and that I needed him to explain why he had set up contracts for me that I was not able to cancel like we had discussed. Two days went by without any answer from Micha.

I called him again on Tuesday and finally he answered. I asked to set up another time since again I no longer felt comfortable talking to him without a witness since he had already done the complete opposite of what I had asked.

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He mentioned again he would be at work on Saturday and that we could call then. I would like to mention that it became apparent that Micha was calling me not from work but from his home.

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I do not understand why our form of contact on this matter was through his personal cell phone and that he was talking to me in his personal time and not when at work. Since the issue we had was regarding him falsely setting up my contracts and going against what I had asked for, I found it completely unprofessional and uncomfortable for him to be talking to me outside of O2 work hours and offices.

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On Saturday May 5th, my boyfriend and I finally got a hold of Micha so he could explain what had happen with the contract. I asked why my contracts where set up in such a way that the option of the three month cancellation time was not possible, when that was the first thing I asked for and repeatedly requested throughout our whole transaction.

Micha explained that he had given me a better price on both of the contracts which therefore took away the option of the three month cancellation period, and therefore also committed me to a two year contract which I am set to pay even if I wanted to cancel. The question both my boyfriend and I had was of course, why did he do this when the whole reason I had gone ahead with the contracts was because he had reassured me of the three month cancellation period, and why did he even offer or think I would want something else that completely takes away this option for me?.

We realized that once again Micha was not in the office and was discussing this whole mess from is personal phone on his personal time. He was very rude and completely unapologetic and unwilling to offer me any options regarding this. Handy geklaut sperren o2. Notfall 24 h Sperr Hotline Das Handy ist versichert, kriege eigentlich so gut wie das ganze Geld wieder..

Eine schriftliche Sperrung ist meist ebenfalls möglich, im Falle eines Diebstahls oder bei Verlust des Geräts sollte man davon jedoch nicht Gebrauch machen, da die Sperrung über diesen Weg einige Tage in Anspruch nehmen kann.

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Hat man die entsprechende Nummer gerade nicht bei sich, kann man die im Jahre eingeführte Sperr-Hotline wählen. Über diese wird man mit einer Servicestelle verbunden, die dann direkt zum jeweiligen Provider durchstellt, damit man dort seine SIM-Karte sperren kann.

Bei einem Anruf bei der Sperrhotline solltet ihr die Rufnummer und Kartennummer oder ein Kundenkennwort zur Identifizierung bereithalten. Von Provider zu Provider gibt es dabei zwar einige Unterschiede, allgemein kann man jedoch sagen, dass die Sperrung ganz einfach über das Kunden-Center erfolgt. Bildquellen: liza Selim Baykara am Bilderstrecke starten 17 Bilder.

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